Board/Committee Openings

Town of Mendon Board and Committee Vacancies

June 24, 2024

Are you looking for a rewarding way to give back to your community? The Town of Mendon has several vacancies to fill on various Boards and Committees. Most of these vacancies require little time commitment, meeting only once per month. To become involved, please submit a letter of interest to the Mendon Select Board. By mail: Office of the Select Board, 20 Main Street, Mendon, MA 01756 or email,

Current Openings

Agricultural Commission (6/30/22)

Capital Planning Committee (6/30/21)

Cultural Council

Economic Development Committee (6/30/22)

FInance Committee (6/30/27)

Historic District Commission (6/30/23)

Historical Commission (6/30/27)

Tax-Aid Committee (5/15/22)

Town Forest Committee (6/30/22)


*For specific questions about each Board/Committee please email them directly through the Town of Mendon website.

** For question about the appointment process go to,