Council on Aging / Senior Center

The Mendon Senior Center and Council on Aging serves Mendon residents 60 years of age or older, people with disablilities and care givers. The Council on Aging provides a wide range of services and programs.

All of our programs, activities, classes, and trips are detailed in our newsletter that is sent throughout the year to all Mendon senior residents, and is also available here on the town web site.

The Mendon Council on Aging meets the second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 a.m. at the Senior Center. All Mendon residents are welcome to attend this meeting. The COA appreciates new ideas and suggestions.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Mendon Council on Aging is to assess the needs of Mendon’s senior community and respond to those needs by developing, promoting and encouraging new and existing programs and services that allow for enrichment, independence, quality of life and fostering healthy aging with grace and dignity.

revised: 3/9/22



Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Amy Wilson Kent Director (508) 478-6175
Janet Hubener Outreach Coordinator (508) 478-6175
Wayne Phipps Van Driver
Julie Tulacro Administrative Assistant (508)-478-6175
Shawn Forbes Van Driver

Board of Directors/Officers

Name Title
Earl Pearlman Co-Chair June 30, 2026
Peg Nogueira Co-Chair June 30, 2027
Ann Vandersluis Secretary June 30, 2027
Carol Kotros Member June 30, 2026
Diane Howell Member June 30, 2025
Dona Son Member June 30, 2025
Phil Cieply Member June 30, 2026