Why am I getting a bill for a "Capital Impact Fee"?

The Hopedale Capital Impact Fee is charged to all users of the Mendon water system.  It covers the costs of debt service (loans) pay for system upgrades to Hopedale's water infrastructure.  As Hopedale supplies all of Mendon’s water this cost is passed on to Mendon and our customers under the terms of our contracts with Hopedale.  The fee is calculated yearly by dividing the total cost of Hopedale’s debt by the total number of water customers in Mendon and Hopedale and the 4 billing quarters.   

The Local Capital Impact fee is also charged to all Mendon customers.  This fee is intended to generate a small reserve for future repairs to Mendon's infrastructure.  Many of the water mains were installed in the 40's and 50's and are nearing the end of their lifespan.  As they age there is an increased risk of failure that will result in very high costs for repairs.  The main funding mechanism for these repairs will be assessments to our small user base.  This fee is intended to start a fund for these future costs.  


But I have a well, I don't use Town water, Why am I still being billed for a Capital Impact Fee?

       ALL Mendon water accounts are assessed this Capital Impact Fee even if they are not activly using water.  If you do not need water from the Town you can request us to terminate your account and you will no longer be assessed this fee.  If you wish to terminate your account please contact us.  Depending on your location termination may or may not be allowed per the terms of the existing contracts.  Once terminated, the account can ONLY be re-activated by paying the initial start-up costs ($1,500-$2,800)  Also, please note that connections are extremely limited and we cannot guarantee the future availability of a new connection if your account is terminated.