Citizen's Petition

Voters may “insert” articles in the warrant. They have to do it before select board “closes” the warrant.

To insert an article in the warrant for an annual Town Meeting, at least 10 registered voters of the town must sign a written request. The written request of registered voters for the insertion of subjects in town meeting warrants shall not be valid unless the required number of registered voters not only sign their names but also state their residence, with street and number. 

If you want a sample of an article to use to draft your article check the town website for published annual reports there. The annual report will have warrants from the previous year’s Town Meeting, which you can use as samples. 

Citizens may insert an article in the warrant for a special Town Meeting. Selectmen shall insert in the warrant for every special town meeting all subjects which shall be requested by 100 registered voters or 10% of the total number of voters, whichever is lesser.